Welcome to
Nav Jyoti Netra Seva Sansthan

We Work To

Eradicate Curable Blindness

We are working to eradicate curable blindness by providing affordable and sustainable eye care services that are accessible to remote rural areas. We train and empower women to achieve this.

4 out of 5 people who are blind don't have to be.

Since 2000, NJNSS has provided sight-saving surgeries, eyeglasses, medicine, and other eye care services to more than 10 million people in underserved communities.

Welcome to Nav Jyoti
Netra Seva Sansthan

We are a Registered Non-Governmental Organisation,dedicated to serve the poors and farmers by organizing eye care camps and other social services & programmes in villages and slum areas, motivating the people to adopt healthy and hygienic practices in their day to day life, in turn to serve the society and human beings.

Nav Jyoti Netra Seva Sansthan

We Work To Eradicate Curable Blindness

We work in eradicating curable blindness by providing affordable, accessible and sustainable eye care services and empower women to achieve this.

SIGHT BREAKS THE CYCLE OF POVERTYIf everybody will have a good eye vision then they can do any type of work reason being Every Small Steps Starts with EYE.

IT LEADS TO EDUCATION AND OPPORTUNITYEye Plays a very important role in Education. If we will have a perfect eye vision then surely it may leads to many opportunities.

IT CREATES A PROFOUND AND IMMEDIATE IMPACTOn the part of Personality Development eye leaves immediate impact on the person in front of us to express ourselves.

IT BUILDS A BETTER TOMORROWIf we all will have a Good Healthy Eye and Perfect Eye Sight Vision then it could be your New Start Towards Better Tomorrow.

Mission & Vision


NJNSS is Non-Government Organization who has been carrying forward his mission since 2016 by organizing free ophthalmic health checkup camps, distributing medicines to poor and managing various social activities with sole social motive to help deprived class of society.

Annual Sight Restoring Surgeries
People are Blind in India
of them can be Cured
of them can’t afford Medical Treatment

Diagnostic Eye Screening Camps

We frequently organize Diagnostic Eye Screening Camp activity for the villagers who are not able to come to hospital on their own.

Workplace Eye Screening Camps

We frequently organize Workplace Eye Screening Camps at different workplaces like; offices, Police Stations, Small Business areas.

School Children Screening Camps

We frequently organize Screening Camps at different small schools of poor areas for eye checkup of Children of 6 to 15 yrs old.

Eye Refraction Test Camp

It may also be called a vision test and tells your eye doctor exactly what prescription you need in your glasses or contact lenses

Pediatric Eye Screening

We also organize Paediatric Eye Screening Camps for the treatment and preventions of eye problems in children below 5 yrs.

Eye Glaucoma Test Camp

With all types of glaucoma, the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged, usually due to high eye pressure

Cataract Surgery

After identification of Cataract Patients in Eye Screening Camps at different locations we perform Cataract Surgery.

Glaucoma Surgery

After conducting Eye Glaucoma Test Camps at different locations we select and mark the patient for Glaucoma Surgery

Eye Lid Surgery

In the process of Eye Lid Surgery we generally remove excess skin, muscle and sometimes fat from the upper or lower eyelids.

DCR Surgery

A dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a type of surgery done to create a new tear drain between your eyes and nose

Conjunctival surgery

We organize Conjunctival Surgery Camps at different sites. The main purpose of the surgery for dry eye is to smoothen the surface of Eye.

Eye Lid Cancer Surgery

While eye checkup if we find any cancer in eye Lid then we select that patient and mark for the Eye Lid Cancer Surgery.

Our Progress Speaks For Itself

100% of donations we receive are used towards resolving blindness. The donations have helped us achieve remarkable results:

Call us today at +91 91259 26605 or Email us at njnssindia@gmail.com

We strive to provide Support to poor's to make their Life Wonderful Donate Us
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